Census Based Assessment


National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 emphasizes the importance of continuous assessments for the development of students, simultaneously, it also suggests that “a periodic ‘health check-up’ of the overall system” (NEP, 8.10) must be carried out for continuous improvement of the school education system, it emphasizes the conduction of census-based assessments at the state level.

Census-based assessments are essentially diagnostic in nature. They play a pivotal role in the academic development of students. The NEP 2020 emphasises their importance for the “continuous improvement” of the learners. It is important to note that census-based assessments are NOT to be (mis)understood as an evaluation of the students to pass a judgment in the form of certification or by giving a single score to define the performance of the student. On the contrary, like a formative assessment at the school level, the purpose of census-based assessments is to do a diagnostic survey of the academic health of students to take constructive measures for their improvement. For undertaking this diagnostic assessment, it is important that the competencies delineated by the NEP 2020, in section 4.23, be assessed in a “regular and formative” manner. The progress of the student should be assessed in this manner at the end of each stage of school education, i.e., the Foundational, Preparatory, Middle, and Secondary stages. This will also help in documenting the stage-wise progress made by the students in the attainment of required competencies.

In its section 8.10, the NEP 2020, encourages the states “to conduct their own census-based State Assessment Survey (SAS), the results of which will be used only for developmental purposes, public disclosure by schools of their overall and anonymised student outcomes, and for continuous improvement of the school education system.” The section also mandates PARAKH to supervise and support the States and UTs “in assisting such assessment procedures as well as data analysis.”

Census-based assessments at the state level will aid in the efficient allocation of resources, as policymakers can use the data to understand the differential performance of the schools and identify learning gaps in the performance of the students. This information will also help determine the kind of educational resources, including textbooks, supplementary materials, teachers, and other educational materials, that are required.

Moreover, census data helps in identifying regional and demographic disparities in educational access and outcomes. This information is valuable for policymakers to develop targeted interventions and policies that address disparities, ensuring equitable access to quality education for all.

Furthermore, census data provides a foundation for long-term educational planning. By projecting future trends and identifying potential challenges, policymakers can formulate adaptive policies that respond to changing demographic patterns.

Dissemination and understanding of results post-assessment is a very important part of such census-based assessments as the primary goal here is always to take constructive measures for improving student learning/development. This makes the conduction of such assessments a cyclical affair. First, the census-based assessment is conducted in order to assess student learning/development. Then, according to the results of the survey, an effective intervention is sought after, bringing constructive changes to improve learning. Post this, another assessment of student learning is to be conducted to verify the improved learning/development of the students.

In essence, keeping in line with the NEP 2020, it is important to conduct census-based assessments, nationally and, simultaneously, at the level of states. Their role in providing accurate presentation of the academic health of the students is fundamental for informed decision-making in education policy and planning. Policymakers can leverage this data to create policies that respond to the diverse needs of the stakeholders, ensuring the effective functioning of the education system.